International Workshop on Human Dimension of Tropical Peatland under Global Environmental Changes 8-9 December 2004 Faculty of Agriculture Auditorium, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia |
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Workshop's Proceeding
Papers and posters will be published in workshop's proceeding.
Instructions for manuscripts announced in the Second Circular PDF file!
The organizers cordially invite original scientific and policy papers addressing the workshop theme for either oral or poster presentation.
Manuscript should be typewritten on one side of the paper only, double-spaced throughout with Times News Roman 12 font, and with a wide margin (more than 2 cm). Pages are required more than 4. Original photographs should be provided with each copy. Manuscript can be sent by E-mail in MS-Word (*.DOC or *.RTF format), however if we cannot read it, we request hard copy and CD (but 3.5-inch floppy disks and MO disks are also acceptable).
Title page: With concise title and authors name and affiliation.
Abstract: Summarizing the study in not more than 300 words, on a page by themselves.
Introduction: Include the problem addressed, current level of knowledge, the aim of the study, and hypotheses tested.
Materials and Methods: Includes all crucial information to allow replication of the study.
Results: Gives concise summary of data in tables and figures.
Discussion: Study on the larger context of human dimension of tropical peatland under global environmental changes.
Acknowledgement: Credits contributors of thought, expertise and fund.
References: Must substantially include the peer-reviewed primary literature.
Tables and Figures: Tables and figures should not duplicate figures and vice versa.
Submission addresses:
Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Bogor, INDONESIA
E-mail: hazemi@indo.net.id
Phone & Fax. +62-251-623327 / 627446
Organizing Committee (OC) Secretariat
Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Bogor, INDONESIA
E-mail: sjayadi@indo.net.id / segah@env.agr.hokudai.ac.jp